Impact of modernization surface irrigation on the different efficiencies of irrigating the maize crop

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Water and Irrigation Systems Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering (Assuit Branch), Al-Azhar University, Asuit, Egypt.

2 Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, Gharbia, Egypt.

3 Department of On Farm Irrigation and Drainage, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AEnRI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Dokki, Giza, Egypt.


Field experiments for this research were conducted in the northern Nile Delta in Kafr ElSheikh governorate. the impact of modernization surface irrigation and its performance in the old lands through the modernized of Marwa traditional by replacing them with one of the modernized methods (lined mesqa - buried pipes), this was done by estimating the efficiencies of water application and the rate of increase in crop productivity per unit of water for the most important summer crops (Maize) compared to the traditional irrigation system. The research also includes a hydraulic study of the systems modernized, the results can be summarized as follows average water application efficiencies were 82, 79 and 49 % for buried pipes, lining mesqa and earthen mesqa respectively. Also showed that the average values of the water distribution efficiency through buried pipe and lining mesqa with conventional irrigation methods were 78, 75 and 72 % respectively. It was found that the value of (FWUE) was 1.52,1.36 and 0.99 kg m3 for buried pipes, lining mesqa and earthen mesqa respectively. The productivity was 3550, 3250 kg/ fed under buried pipes and lining mesqa, it was 2775 kg / fed under earthen mesqa. The result of the hydraulic evaluation of irrigation systems showed that the average values of wetted parameters through different type of mesqas were 2.62, 2.02, 1.60 and 0.6 m Also, showed that the average values of the hydraulic radius were 0.35, 0.22, 0.15 and 0.05 m for Ordinary, Roughness, Lining mesqas and Buried mesqa respectively. 


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